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Commercial message: Mobile Emergency started the fastest Black Friday in history - discounted goods will be delivered to you in selected cities within 1 hour of ordering. A discount in the order of hundreds to thousands of crowns fell on a large part of the assortment, from smartphones to laptops, tablets and smart watches, to audio and smart accessories. We bring you a summary of the most interesting events that are worth your attention.


Oblíbené smartphony ještě levněji

Among the most attractive is a discount on Samsung Galaxy S10, which is now up for grabs CZK 14 (původně 23 490 korun). Do zajímavé akce padl také Xiaomi Mi 9 Lite, kde cena u verze se 64GB úložištěm klesla na CZK 6(původně 8 490 korun), Mi 9 Lite (128 GB) then comes out on CZK 6 (originally 8990 crowns).

Na své si ale přijdou i ti, kteří si vystačí s levnějším smartphonem. Například Xiaomi 8t now stands CZK 4 (originally 4 crowns) a Xiaomi 8A jen CZK 2 (původně 3 290 korun). Oblíbený Galaxy A10 you buy for CZK 3 (původně 3 990 korun) a lépe vybavený Galaxy A40 is discounted to CZK 5 (originally 6 crowns).

More than a hundred accessories at a discount

Také v kategorii příslušenství srazila Mobil Pohotovost ceny na minimum. Velká sleva padla na náhlavní sluchátka AKG-Y500, které teď stojí jen CZK 1 (originally 3 crowns). If you are looking for completely wireless headphones, then you might be interested Niceboy Hive pods 2 za CZK 1 (původně 2 490 korun). Populární fitness náramek Xiaomi Mi Band 4 is now discounted to 888 CZK (originally 1 crowns). And a dash cam Niceboy Pilot XR za CZK 2 (originally 3 crowns) can be a good buy for anyone who wants to have recorded events on the road during their car ride.

But it doesn't end with discounts. Not only do you get several extra bonuses for your phones with Mobil Emergency, but you can also take advantage of several other benefits, including installment with 0% increase for everything or free delivery until the next day for orders over 500 CZK. In a total of eight cities in the Czech Republic, you can have the goods delivered within 1 hour of placing the order.


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