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Commercial message: Less worries and more relaxation, fun. This is exactly what a proper vacation should look like. For many of us, however, the worries start when planning it. Who will take care of the house while we are gone? How can we be sure that our house is in order while enjoying the sun on the other side of the world? The concept smart homes pomůže a výrazně ulehčí plánování vysněné dovolené u moře nebo i kratšího výletu. Kombinace moderních technologií, smart home vychytávek a chytrého telefonu zajistí, že se dům nebo byt postará sám o sebe, a to i v době vaší nepřítomnosti!

Smart home security in the first place

Unfortunately, an empty house or apartment during the holidays is often a big attraction for thieves and other uninvited guests. Fortunately, a large part of smart home equipment focuses on its efficiency security. First of all, they are smart IP cameras, which you can easily place outside and inside. Through the application on your smartphone, you can then conveniently view the current events in your home. In addition, most smart camera models automatically detect and warn of any suspicious movement through notifications, and at the same time save the recorded footage.

If you are really serious about home security, it is advisable to supplement the cameras with a system of detectors (sensors) and an alarm. Smart detectors movements and vibrations, just like smart cameras, inform you about everything important that is happening in your home. However, unlike cameras, these detectors tend to be very inconspicuous and compact. There is also a special category smart sensors, which are specially adapted to detect the opening of windows or doors (or also garage doors). With the correct settings, all elements of smart security communicate with each other - they immediately trigger a security breach in the house or apartment alarm and sends a notification to your smart device.

TIP: Not all disasters that can occur at home during your absence are directly related to the human factor. Smart detectors are here for such cases smoke whether gas and smart flood detectors.

Easy access with smart lock and video doorbell

Although a smart home today can take care of a lot of things for you, there are also some that simply require a human hand. Sharing the key to a guarded home between neighbors is certainly not pleasant for everyone, and at the same time, this situation represents a significant security risk. WITH smart lock a video doorbell but it doesn't have to bother you at all. A willing neighbor simply rings the bell, you check that it is really him who is standing in front of the door and from the lounger by the pool smartphone you unlock the door. After he leaves, the door will automatically lock and it's done!

TIP: Smart lighting you can set it so that it automatically starts (turns off) at a specific time and thus gives the impression that you have not even gone on any vacation. This is a simple trick to confuse potential thieves.

Smart flowerpots and no worries about watering

Unfortunately, neither the herb garden nor the ornamental flowers in the flower pot outside the window can be watered by themselves during the holidays. By merit smart flowerpots equipped with a sophisticated system of irrigation and nutrition, you will remain almost without work. You only need to plug them into the socket and add water to the reservoir from time to time - the smart planter will take care of everything else for you. In addition, most smart flower pots are equipped with LED lighting, thanks to which they can be placed practically anywhere in the home.

Smart pet care

Are you planning a day trip on hot summer days when your pet needs regular water changes and pellets? Do not worry, smart feeders and water dispensers they will take care of you. The exact portion of feed and fresh water will always be waiting for your four-legged pets at the right moment. If you want to make their time alone a little more pleasant, you can buy them one of the smart interactive toys.

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