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When streaming giant Netflix announced its entry into the world of mobile gaming, it looked like it was just going to be an add-on service for customers who just wanted to play something. Now the catalog of games includes around twenty different titles. That Netflix is ​​serious about its new offer is now proven by the announcement of a game completely exclusive to users of this platform. As early as next month, a new digital version of the popular card game Explosive Kittens should appear in the offer. In it, up to five players try to avoid a fatal mistake and a situation where you will surely lose the game - holding a cursed explosive kitten.

However, Exploding Kittens – The Game is not the first digital adaptation of a card game. You can download the first of them from Google Play since 2016. So why laboriously develop a new version. The developers promise the best possible digital adaptation, but we can't imagine that the new version would be fundamentally different from the previous one. The advantage, of course, will be the fact that it will be free for Netflix subscribers.

In addition, as an attraction for loyal fans, the developers have prepared two exclusive cards that you will not find anywhere else. The game will be released this May, and its task will be to lure in the animated series about Explosive Kittens, among other things. It should arrive on Netflix next year.

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