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Google Play is Google's online distribution service that provides several types of digital content. However, it can be accessed not only from a phone or tablet equipped with an operating system Android, but also on the web on a computer. And it is the web interface of the service that has now received a completely new look. 

Primarily, Google Play is focused on the distribution of applications and games specifically for smartphones and tablets with Androidem. Another area that Google Play is stepping into is the online distribution of movies, although we know that in their case the company is moving them to the Google TV title. There is also a distribution of electronic books and a children's tab, which offers safe content for the little ones.

The new user interface thus removes the left panel, which is replaced by tabs at the top of the environment. After selecting them, you can still determine for which device you want to display the content. It can be a phone, tablet, TV, chromebook, watch, car, in the case of children you have graduated age limits, etc.

The following is already a similar sorting that was present in the old version. The new visual should clearly correspond with the one we know from our mobile devices. It is structured in the same way, only on the website the tabs are at the top instead of at the bottom. Thumbs up for us, because the environment is clear and fresh. 

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