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The Samsung Display division has registered the UDR trademark in South Korea. We can only speculate about what this acronym means at this point, as the company registered it without any details. However, it is possible that it has something to do with dynamic range technology.

Just as HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, UDR could stand for Ultra Dynamic Range. HDR is a technology that increases image contrast between black and white levels. In other words, it offers improved image quality with more vivid contrast. The higher the dynamic range, the more realistic the image.

UDR could be Samsung's next step after HDR. Of course, this may not be the case, and UDR can mean something completely different, but the trademark was registered by the display division, and UDR sounds very similar to HDR, so it is quite logical to think in this direction. Hopefully, the Korean tech giant will tell us what the acronym really means soon.

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