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A month ago we informed you that the range of phones Galaxy S20 have a new one problem with display. If you thought Samsung fixed it in the meantime, you'd be wrong. Now it's on his community forum discovered another case of a vertical line on the display.

A user with the nickname chin613 claims that on July 11, the display of his Galaxy S20+ spotted a green vertical line. According to him, he bought the phone two years ago, and he says he never dropped it on the ground or came into contact with water. He added that he installed a new security update on July 5.

As we wrote before, it seems to be a hardware problem and if the affected phone is under warranty, Samsung will repair it for free. On the other hand, this and other users complain that the problem is on theirs Galaxy S20/S20+/S20 Ultra detected after installing the update, so the cause could also be software. Samsung has yet to comment on the matter, which is quite surprising after so long.

It's not the first time it's been a turn Galaxy The S20 is experiencing problems with the display - almost immediately after its launch, users began to complain about the green tint of the display. This issue was subsequently resolved with software updates.

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