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Gmail is undoubtedly one of the best email apps for devices with Androidum, definitely not perfect though. Like many Google products, it has a few glaring weaknesses, the biggest of which has been the lack of a "select all" option over the years. That has now finally changed.

Some users have now started on the social network Reddit report that to them in their androidIn the latest version of Gmail, the Select all option appeared. This was subsequently confirmed by the websites 9to5Google and Android Shelf (the second mentioned noted that the feature was available in versions 2023.11.12.586837719 and 2023.11.26.586591930). This suggests that Google has started releasing it to the general public.

It's an intuitive feature, even if it came very late. Simply long-press on an email or tap on the sender's avatar on the left and select one conversation, and the aforementioned new option will appear on the top left.

However, there is a certain limitation - despite its name, the new option does not always select all emails, but a maximum of 50, just like the web version. This limitation makes it a little less useful, but it's still a very handy feature that will save you a lot of time. Anyway, it's a core feature that should have been in the androidnew version of Gmail right from the start. All users could expect it in the coming weeks.

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