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Samsung, like its devices, regularly updates its native applications, and now it has started releasing a new update for the globally popular health application Samsung Health. What news does it bring?

The new update for the Samsung Health app brings it to version and is just under 130MB in size. It improves some features and provides a better user experience.

Specifically, the changelog update brings the ability to compete against your past running results to beat your previous times. You can also trim a workout after it's done to eliminate wasted time at the beginning or end, such as when you're getting ready or resting.

The update also improves the menstrual cycle tracking feature. Now when a user logs her menstrual cycle, the options she used frequently will appear at the top of the screen, saving her time and effort. Plus, he can set his own moods if the default options don't match how he feels.

You can download the new update for Samsung Health from the store Galaxy Store.

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