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Netflix is ​​the largest and therefore the most popular video streaming platform in the world. In the Czech Republic, it had a 38% share as of last year, second was Amazon Prime Video with 20% and third was HBO Max with 15%. But what share would Netflix really have if users didn't share accounts with each other? Even here, the platform fights against it. 

Of course, many of us want to enjoy Netflix's rich catalog for free, or for less than what Netflix requires. It's still possible, but be prepared for restrictions. If you have a Standard tariff (CZK 259 per month), two devices can use it at the same time (theoretically for CZK 129,50), the Premium tariff offers 4 devices (for CZK 319 per month, theoretically for CZK 79,75 per month). So you can invite three other users who can have their own accounts in the app under your subscription. All you have to do is give others your login details and it doesn't matter how many people there are. It's just that you never get through up to four streams at once, so whoever comes last to watch doesn't walk away. 

If it's all within one household, it's fine. But if you give the data to a third person, a friend or relative who lives elsewhere and doesn't have one of the available Netflix profiles under your subscription, you will already struggle with verification. Once in a certain period, you are actually denied access to Netflix. In order to get it again, you need to request a code from the administrator, i.e. the account creator, which will come to his phone number and which he must give you. Of course it's annoying.

But it doesn't end there. Even that code is only valid for a certain time. So when you enter it in the app, you'll be able to watch for another 14 days until you reconnect to your home's Wi-Fi, the host's. If you go to his place every two weeks for a coffee, that's fine and you'll probably go as much as you need, but otherwise be prepared to cut back. 

But there is one more relatively acceptable option, and that is account sharing for a fee. Sharing an account outside the household will cost you an acceptable 79 CZK per month, which is certainly a relatively acceptable amount, and it is also the cheapest and most elegant access to complete content. This is how you log in to Netflix using your e-mail and password, so you will also receive tailored content as with a separate profile. The problem is that with the Standard tariff you can only buy one member who does not live with you, with Premium two.

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